Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3 lbs !!!!!!

Yes, that's right, Veda officially hit the 3lb mark last night. She's on the upward climb. You'll also notice that she is still without the cannula and it appears that she will not be going back on it. They've moved her feeding tube to her nose so her mouth is now free to try bottle and breast feeding. Veda is back in the full isolette but I'm told this is a sign of progress. They put babies in the isolettes when they no longer need so much hands on care. These are good for them because it helps keep out the noise and is easier to control the temperature.

I put some pictures in her little space so she wouldn't forget about us in between visits - and so she could get to know byrd before she comes home.


  1. Veda James--You're just packing on the pounds. Way to go. Three pounds and counting--keep it up and we'll be sharing cheeseburgers in no time. I'm very proud of you, little one.

  2. Oh--now I see that you've been introduced to Byrd. You're going to love him. I can see the two of you getting into all sorts of things.

  3. This happy news made my morning! Go Veda!

  4. That is great news! We are so happy for your family. Byrd and Veda are going to be the best of friends.

  5. Awesome! Little Veda you champ, keep it up we can't wait to meet you. I love your outfit and bow. So cute! Love, The Donnells

  6. Veda James! You look fabulous!
    This is great news. You are doing such a great job!!!!!
    love you!
    Don, Leslie and Maria.

  7. Way to go Veda!!! Love the pink onesie!!!
