Sunday, June 21, 2009

What a week...

Veda's ready for the challenge...

Watching the monitors...

Well done!!!

Week in rewind:

It's been a crazy week for Veda. She had her immunizations on Monday and Tuesday. By Tuesday afternoon she was not herself and we could tell she wasn't feeling so hot. I called around 10 pm to check in on her. The nurse told me that Veda had a terrible spell right after we left that night. Apparently she was lying quietly in her crib when her heart rate alarm started going off. Her heart rate went pretty low before the nurse decided to intervene (they like to first make sure they can't pull themselves out of it). It was during shift change so our day nurse and night nurse were in there together trying to stimulate her back. That wasn't working so they had to bring out the oxygen mask. She has never had a spell so bad that the oxygen mask had to be pulled out, so hearing this on the phone had Andy and I really concerned. The nurse told us not to worry and it seemed that she was doing much much better. She had even just finished a huge bottle with no problems. Needless to say, we were very anxious to get back to the hospital that next morning to see for ourselves that Veda was well. To our relief Veda was like a new baby, she was great! I could tell she was feeling so much better.

When I talked to the doctor that next morning I asked him if he felt that this spell was a reaction to the immunizations. He said one can only speculate. What ever the cause, the spell bought her another 5-7 days in the NICU - not what I wanted to hear! Although, it's the random heart rate drops while she's in her crib that really scare me when thinking about bringing her home. I chose not to argue when the doctor ordered us another week.

Veda had her eye exam on Thursday and the report was music to my ears... no follow up needed for two years!!! This means her eyes have been maturing as they should. Yeah!

Lastly, she had her car seat challenge on Saturday. Yep, they finally had us bring in that dusty old car seat. That was the longest hour ever, our eyes were glued to the monitors.

That was the final hurdle, so we now are at the mercy of the 5-7 day waiting period. The doctor's final word was to have her discharged TOMORROW!!!! I can't believe it's finally here!

I'm sure it's going to be a pretty stressful couple of days or weeks. What ever will I do without those monitors telling me how she's doing! Wish us luck!


  1. Hurray! I'm so excited for you guys! Having her home will be such an amazing experience. We're loving getting to be "real" parents who actually have their baby home with them!

  2. I am excited for you and Andy to have Veda home with you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that tomorrow is the big day! Hugs and kisses to you all!

  3. WOW! AS I am reading this Monday are getting ready to bring your Veda home! We are so happy for you.! Trust your instincts when it comes to Veda... you are an awesome mommy (and Andy you are a natural at being a daddy!) Remember to love each other and take all the help you can get! We can't wait to meet Veda!

    Love, Winde & Juan plus6

  4. Congrats on bringing Veda home! She is so beautiful. You both will be amazing parents!

    The Farraras
