Thursday, June 4, 2009

7 weeks and a small step back

I was so sure that Veda would be coming home next week, but it's starting to look unlikely. We've seemed to have hit a wall with Veda's progress. Her feedings were right on track a few days ago, as she was finishing a few bottles a day. Unfortunately the last couple of days she's moved backwards. At the most she's taking only half her bottle feedings and she seems very irritated when doing it. To me she seems to be very uncomfortable, which suggest bouts with some heavy duty reflux. She squirms and turns red in the face, and grunts (and no, I don't think it has anything to do with her being gassy or pooping) then she wants nothing to do with the food. She has been having a lot more spells (when her heart rate drops) in conjunction to her feedings as well. It's so hard for me to see her so miserable, I just feel helpless.

The doctor has scheduled her to have a feeding consultation with the physical therapist tomorrow. He wants to assess her stamina. He's worried that if it's a stamina issue then it could be her heart murmur causing her problems. I think if I had a choice it would definitely be a reflux issue. I just hope there's an easy resolution so that we can get her back on track.

She's at 5lbs 7 ounces. She had a couple of days of weight loss in there, so it's been a slow climb this week. She is starting to fill out those preemie clothes though! Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?

May my next post bring a little more positive news!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear the news Jamie, but at least she's getting really good care. Those doctors are going to help her get to the place where she needs to be in order to get her home. I know it's hard to not have her at home though.
    My thoughts are with you guys all the time!
    Much love,

  2. I am sending positive thoughts and prayers to you, Andy, and Veda. I love you all so much!
