Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 4 week birthday Veda (tomorrow)

I'd like to first say thank you to my work - Rose City Mortgage, for the great baby mama party! Also, thank you to Meggan and Molly and everyone who came to the bash last weekend. It was so much fun and so great to see everyone. Veda's a lucky girl to have so many wonderful people in her life (I'm pretty lucky too!!!)

I have some interesting news to report regarding Veda's weight. It turns out that she gained a ton of weight literally overnight. I went in on Tuesday to find out that she was up to 3lbs 13 ounces! This is a huge weight gain and it left me a little suspicious, so I had them weigh her again while I was there. The weight was confirmed with the second weigh in so I requested one final test, I had them weigh something on another scale and then on our scale to make sure it was working correctly. It turns out that she has in fact gained that much weight! I expected some sort of loss today, but she is currently maintaining the 3lb 13 ounces, so hopefully her yo-yo dieting is a thing of the past!

We attempted her first massage Monday night (maybe that helped with the weight gain - who knows!), it went pretty well, although she began to get a little pooped out half way through it so we'll have to try again later.

Either I would forget my camera, or I'd remember my camera but forget the battery the last few visits, very frustrating!! Finally, I've got my act together and have some new photos...

Looks like those added ounces are giving her quite the potbelly :)


  1. WOW! Great job Veda (and Momma)! What beautiful pictures! She is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet Veda in person!
    Love, Winde & Juan plus 6

  2. I love all the new pictures! She is so cute and seems so lively! She'll be home walking around in no time! ;)

  3. Yay for all the weight gain--that is so incredibly awesome!! GO VEDA! She is such a little fighter. Malcolm, Kate and I can't wait to meet her. Glad to see all the new pics. She's so beautiful. And I love all the black hair!
