Sunday, May 24, 2009

Open Crib and bottle feeding!

Veda has been moved to an open crib since Thursday. As long as she keeps up her body temp. she can stay there, and so far so good. I just spoke with the doctor this morning and she has taken 2 full bottle feedings in the last 24 hours which is fantastic at her age! He also mentioned that her acid reflux is getting better as well.

I haven't been able to go up to the hospital since Thursday because I've been sick, and it's very depressing. I've been trying every home remedy to hurry this illness along so that I can get back up there but it's probably going to be another few days - UGH! So I wasn't there when the physical therapist looked Veda over, but was told everything looked good. The only thing noted was the shape of her head. I guess the sides of her head are slightly flat due to the way she's positioned. Preemies are often left on their sides and stomach which causes this problem. They'll teach us how to prepare a halo for her head while she sleeps, when she comes home. How appropriate for our little angel, ahhh.

Her heart murmur is still audible which leads them to believe it may not close. They will do a final ecco on her heart at the time of discharge to take a look at it. If it remains open we'll need to do follow up treatment when we are home. If it remains asymptomatic, which it has so far, it could be possible to avoid surgery and opt for a less stressful procedure that is offered to babies weighing at least 10lbs. Speaking of 10 lbs, our little growing Veda is now a whopping 4 lbs 12 oz!!! She has come so far!

I think that Andy has been secretly enjoying his alone time with Veda. I heard him call the nurse yesterday to tell her he wanted to give Veda a bath during his visit. When he had the nurse on the phone he referred to himself as "hi, this is Veda's daddy", I just thought it was so cute! I'm not sure if it was the use of daddy or the sweet little voice he was using, but it was pretty cute. He's been bottle feeding her and getting lots of pictures, although I've yet to see them because the camera has been at the hospital!

Hopefully I'll be back up there soon!!


  1. Yay! So happy Veda is progressing so nicely! We will continue to pray that God's healing hand will be on her and touch her heart so that no surgery is needed!
    Sorry you have been ill Jamie, but better to stay away and be completely healthy. Glad to hear Andy is bonding with his little angel!
    Bless you and your little family!
    Much Love, Winde & Juan plus6

  2. Thank you for the update. Veda looks beautiful. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love you.

  3. So glad to hear she's doing well! Elise's heart murmur is still around so we'll be following up with the cardiologist in a few weeks, but she still isn't symptomatic of it bothering her.

    Sorry to hear you haven't been able to go to the hospital. I can't imagine. When my spring allergies first started, I was worried I was getting a cold and was heartbroken at the thought of not getting to see her.

    You're definitely in my prayers!

  4. Veda looks so beautiful just like her mom and dad! I am so glad to read she is doing better and better every day. It's wonderful news guys. We love you and think about you always.
    Donnell, Maria and Leslie.

  5. I am so glad to hear of Veda's progress, I think she looks like you Jamie, just beautiful! Thanks for sharing your story, you are both amazing people!!!
    Dylan, Kristen and Charlie
