Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Roller Coaster part 2

I thought I should post the good news I got from the doctor this morning. Veda is back to packing it on. She has come off her losing streak and put back on an ounce. Thank goodness!

Keep up the prayers - I know they're working. Maybe throw one in for her mommy too!

I'll get some new pictures tonight when I go up for my visit.


  1. Hope you had a nice visit with Veda tonight. You are both in my prayers. xoxo

  2. Jamie, I know it is hard, but you are doing great! Keep it up and remember that someday sooner then you know... you will be running around the yard with Veda and Byrd thinking...that this time seems all too long ago. Love you!

  3. Hang in there Jamie! She's already proven to be a good fighter so I'm sure she'll continue to exceed our expectations :) Your constantly in my thoughts and prayers.. Can't wait to see you saturday!!!!
