Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Roller Coaster...

I'll be honest, the last few visits have not been easy. My anxiety level has been through the roof! Veda's been having a hard time keeping her oxygen levels up and I've actually had to watch her turn blue a few times. I came in this morning to find that she was put back on the cannula which is giving her air flow again. I hate to see her back on it, but I hate even more to see her struggle to get a good breath. And unfortunately there's more, she's also lost a couple of ounces and is now back down to 3lbs. They've increased her food intake, and the doctor doesn't seem too fazed by the loss, so I'll try not to focus on it either.

I've been told over and over that this is all typical stuff for a premature baby. She still has alot of developing to do. I'd just like to push the fast forward button.

May Veda grow to be big and strong like the Fasulo brothers, who also entered this world at the 2lb range! She can do it!



  1. She can do it! All will work out. She's in good hands.
    Let us know if there is anything we can do!!

  2. Jamie and Andy, we're sorry to hear about your emotional roller coaster--Max and I can only imagine the strength it takes to stay optimistic and functional while you support Veda. At least the doctors say these challenges are typical, though it's really tough...but it's not as tough as Veda, your little fighter, is!

  3. We are all behind your beautiful, young family. All is well and Veda is a champ. Its very hard, but you can really do this. Love - Kathy

  4. Jamie~ Stay strong dear friend! Your baby girl is a fighter!! Your family is in my prayers...

  5. Don't worry, the roller coaster is a normal part of preemie life. I remember when I would spend my days in the ICN and I would do the feeding activities and review his chart and then I would essentially get sent to go and read for three hours until the next feeding time. It's much harder on you than it is on her because she has such great care when you're not there. We went back and forth under the bili-lights for ten days and I thought I would go insane! Fortunately, Brody doesn't remember a thing, while I have a mild case of PTSD.
